BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About Application Integration > Understanding Offline mode and Remote mode > Preparing to work offline

Preparing to work offline

Before you can safely work on documents in Offline mode, you must first download them to your Local Workspace. The documents also need to be locked to prevent editing by others.

Before you begin

Application Integration must be in Online mode to prepare documents for working in Offline mode. You must have an active connection to the Meridian server to use PowerUser or an active connection to the Meridian web server to use Web Access. You must restart any authoring applications that use Meridian application links for the links to detect the correct mode.

To prepare to work offline with PowerUser:

  1. In PowerUser, select the documents you want to work with in Offline mode.
  2. On the Document menu, click Lock Documents and Sync Workspace. The documents are locked and downloaded to your Local Workspace.
  3. Close PowerUser.
  4. Right-click the BlueCieloApplication Integration icon in the system tray. A shortcut menu appears.
  5. Point to Mode (Online) and select Offline.

To prepare to work offline with Web Access:

  1. In Web Access, select the documents you want to work with in Offline mode.
  2. If you selected one document, on the Document menu, select Download Document. If you selected multiple documents, on the Selection shortcut menu, select Download Documents. The documents are downloaded to your Local Workspace.
  3. Log off of Web Access.
  4. Right-click the BlueCielo Application Integration icon in the system tray. A shortcut menu appears.
  5. Point to Mode (Online) and select Offline.

Related concepts

About Application Integration

Understanding Offline mode

Related tasks

Setting Application Integration options

Resetting application integration dialog boxes

Working offline

Creating new documents

Manually synchronizing the Local Workspace

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